LaLa's Thoughts on Theories

LaLa's Thoughts on Theories

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Reality Therapy

William Glasser was the initial developer of Reality Therapy/Choice Theory in the 1960's. You can read up on him HERE
and HERE
Robert Wubbolding is the developer of WEDP system CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO :)

Reality therapy is derived from Choice Theory

What is Choice theory 

  • It believes we born with 5 needs
  • bel ieves we have out "quality world" where our values, wants, beliefs, 
  • It believes that everything we do from the time we are born to death we choose, every choice is to gain a need we have or to fulfill it
Glasser took this theory of his and applied it to a therapy... Reality Therapy
Reality therapist are more focused on the now and sometimes future but really aren't concerned with the past. It can be confrontational when practicing this because you could be pointing out some irrational beliefs and the client might not care for that. 
Reality Therapist...
  • Focus on responsibility and choice
  • Reject transference
  • Focus on the now
  • Not worried about symptoms
  • Challenge traditional veiws on mental illness
The therapist is there to guide and cause the client to self-evaluate. The therapist ask thought provoking questions. One reality therapist came up with a module for reality therapy...
Wubbolding created WDEP system which basically shows you the process of reality therapy. 
  1. W ants
  2. D oing and direction
  3. E valution
  4. planning (SAMIC)
    • Simple, attainable, measurable, immediate, involved, controlled, committed, and consisitantly done.
Here is a couple videos showing a session of role playing with a reality therapist


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